Top 10 Reasons To Switch To Gutenberg WordPress Editor
Features Of Gutenberg WordPress Editor: After a long wait, WordPress has, at last, introduced a major upgrade – the Gutenberg WordPress Editor. Until recently, WordPress came with the default TinyMCE editor which hadn’t changed for years and Gutenberg WordPress Editor was just an option that users could opt for. From WordPress 5.0, Gutenberg WordPress Editor is the default one although the Classic Editor too can be installed.
While the WordPress Community is divided in opinions on the upgrade, I am quite happy, in fact, enthralled with the change. There is no denying the fact that like any other new thing that replaces an old one, the Gutenberg WordPress Editor too has some flaws. But then again, it has a lot of amazing features as well.
So, in this article, I will explain the amazing features of Gutenberg WordPress Editor.
Amazing Features Of Gutenberg WordPress Editor
So, what is Gutenberg WordPress Editor exactly?
Gutenberg is the new WordPress editor to build/create WordPress posts and pages. Gutenberg is the default editor in the latest version of WordPress. It has replaced the Classic TinyMCE Editor and has introduced many new features which are not there in the Classic Editor. Gutenberg uses “Add Block” features wherein contents of all types are added and edited in the form of blocks. This provides flexibility in terms of design as well without getting into too much technicalities.
So, how is Gutenberg WordPress Editor different than the Classic TinyMCE Editor? What are the features of Gutenberg WordPress Editor? We will dive deep into them in the next section.
Amazing Features Of Gutenberg WordPress Editor
So, let us now look at the features of Gutenberg Editor that makes it so different and…yeah amazing…
1. “Blocks” As The Building Blocks Of Your Page
The most unique feature of Gutenberg WordPress Editor is its “Add Block” option. Each and every element in a page, from Paragraphs to Headings, to Image, Gallery, File, Quote, etc. is added in the form of a block. Even Widgets, Media Elements (like Buttons, Media and Texts), etc. come in the form of blocks, giving us more control over how the page is going to look like. You can add almost every kind of content, thanks to this feature.
2. What You See Is What You Get
Gutenberg, like Medium, has WYSIWYG Interface, which means, the published page is not going to be any different than the way it looks on the editor. The Classic Editor has this option to preview your post but then again it is not user-friendly – clicking on the preview button every time you want to see the changes; not that there was much to see. But with the introduction of blocks comes the flexibility to play around with the look of your page. Thanks to the WYSIWYG Interface, we don’t have to switch between two tabs to see the changes.
3. Creating User-Friendly Long Form Content Has Never Been Easier
Imagine, you have written a long form content with many headings and a table of content. Now, wouldn’t it be great if you could link from the table of content to the respective headings directly? Wouldn’t it be easier for users to navigate to the particular section they want to without having to scroll down the page? With Gutenberg’s HTML Anchor field, this can be done easily.
4. And So Is Creating Tables…
Creating and managing tables is not convenient in the Classic Editor. You need either some plugins, like TablePress, or knowledge of HTML. With Gutenberg, all you have to do is Add Table Block and enter the number of rows and columns.
5. CTAs That Look Like CTAs
This is very basic feature that is not there in the Classic Editor. There is no in-built option to create Call To Actions. You need to know coding or you have to install a plugin. Otherwise, you simply have to do with a simple text and interlink it to the relevant page. In Gutenberg, you can add and stylize buttons. At present, there are only three styles- Rounded, Outline and Squared. Hopefully, more styles will be added in near future. You can also set background and text color of the buttons.
6. And You Have More Control Over The Font Size
Gutenberg comes with five preset font size: Small, Normal, Medium, Large and Huge. And it also has this feature to customize font size.
7. A More Colorful Life…I Mean Website
For every block of paragraph, you can have a different background color and text color. This means you can make your page as colorful as you want. Forget having a different background for each block in the same page, changing the background color of one particular page is not easy with the Classic Editor.
8. Arrange Content In Multiple Columns
Texts, in Gutenberg, can be arranged in multiple columns. This is something I am very excited about.
9. Drag And Drop To Make Your Life Easier
Another feature of Gutenberg WordPress Editor is that you can drag and drop any of the blocks of any type to wherever you want. This makes the process of playing around with the look of the page faster and easier.
10. Dynamic Toolbar Showing What Is Necessary
Another feature of the Gutenberg Editor that I loved is its dynamic toolbars. The Classic Editor has a static toolbar which remains same no matter what you are working on. In Gutenberg, you see only those tools and settings which are for a particular block you are working on. For example, if you are working on a Paragraph, on the sidebar, you will see the necessary settings for Paragraph and not for Buttons.
So, you can see why you should accept the Gutenberg WordPress editor with arms wide open 🙂 I am sure more features will be added in future, giving us more options to create and manage content.
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I hope I have been able to explain the features of Gutenberg WordPress Editor. If you have any questions related to these amazing features of Gutenberg WordPress Editor, ask them below and I will answer at the earliest.