What Is Guest Blogging And Why Is It Important For Your Blog?

What Is Guest Blogging: As I have mentioned in my post on types of SEO, Guest Blogging is one of the most important aspects of Off-Page SEO. It is, especially, important for new blogs, which barely have any authority in the particular niche they cover. Many major brands, like Xbox, Intel, and Autodesk have used Guest Blogging to build their authority in the industry. Now, if you are wondering what is Guest Blogging exactly, then this post is for you. Read on to find out what is Guest Blogging.

What Is Guest Blogging?

Guest Blogging, as the name suggests, is basically the practice of getting your articles published in other blogs, more specifically, in existing authoritative and trusted blogs in your niche. Yes, they need to be authoritative and trusted sites. According to this article by Jon Morrow of SmartBlogger, associating with anyone, any site that publish spam, will impact your rankings negatively.

At the same time, if you publish spam from other authors and publish them on your website, it will affect your rankings. This means you have to be very careful when you write Guest Blogs. You need to write quality articles, otherwise there is no way any trusted site will accept your post.

Why Is Guest Blogging Important?

What happens in Guest Blogging is that you get your articles, with one or two links to pages on your site, published on some other website. Now, this will serve one or more of the following purposes:

1. Authority And Exposure

When a trusted and authoritative site publishes your article, it will reach to a large number of people. This, in turn, will help you build your authority as an expert in the particular niche and get you and your site more exposure.

2. Backlinks

It can help your site get backlinks from a trusted site. Search engines will realize that when they scroll and the relevancy of your site will increase because a trusted site has acknowledged you. This will help in improving your rankings.

3. Traffic

You will get traffic directed to your website from the site which publishes your Guest Blog.

Why Would Any Website Publish Your Guest Blog?

Why not? If you write really good, unique, informative and fresh content, any good site would be delighted to have your content published on their site. It will add content and value to their website. They have more to gain and nothing to lose from it. But yes, your articles need to be extraordinarily good. Building a professional relationship with other top bloggers can also help in this aspect.

Find Out How To Contact Bloggers And Influencers Here

How To Look For Guest Blogging Opportunities?

There are many ways to find out which websites accept Guest Blogging. Some of these are as under:

1. Google Search

You can search in Google which websites are currently accepting Guest Blogs. You can search for the following:

a. Keyword “guest posts wanted”

b. Keyword “submit blog post”

c. Keyword “guest posts wanted”

d. Keyword “guest post”

e. Keyword “become guest writer”

f. Keyword “become a contributor”

g. Keyword “want to write for”

h. Keyword “suggest a post”

i. Keyword “guest post opportunities”

j. Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Instead of Keyword, write the keywords from your industry and search.

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2. Social Search

You can also search on Twitter if anyone is accepting Guest Blogs. Look for “Keyword Guest Post” through the Twitter search option and follow the links to find out if the sites are accepting Guest Blogs.

3. Guest Blogs By Competitors & Top Bloggers

Looking for websites which have published Guest Blogs written by your competitors can help you. Just type in link:website.com -website.com “guest post” (enter competitor’s domain instead of website.com) in the Google search bar and hit enter. It will show the sites for which the competitor has written. You can also check for which websites top bloggers in your industry write.

Make sure you read the guidelines for guest posts of the website before writing the Guest Blog. Follow their guidelines while writing your awesome guest blog. Do enough research.

Find Out How To Start Guest Blogging Here

I hope I have explained everything about what is Guest Blogging. If you have any question regarding what is Guest Blogging, drop a comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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