What Makes A Horrible Blog Title Or How To Write A Blog Title That Sucks?

What Makes A Horrible Blog Title: Blog titles can literally make or break a website. The Internet is full of information. It is, therefore, extremely important that your articles stand out of the crowd. Otherwise, no one will even notice your blog posts.

You need to catch the reader’s attention right from the beginning and this is where blog titles play a crucial role. Your blog title, title tag to be precise, is the first thing that a user will see. So, if it isn’t interesting enough, people will just scroll down even if the article is in Number 1 position in the SERP. No matter how good the content of your blog post is, people won’t know that and all your hard work will go in vain.

So, in this article, I will talk about what makes a horrible blog title. Read on to find out.

In other words, this article will also help you to write the worst of blog titles, if that’s what you are looking for 🙂

What Makes A Horrible Blog Title?

So, let us see what are the features of bad blog titles:


In other words, bad blog titles over-promise.

Avoid titles that exaggerate the actual thing that you have to offer. Even if people click on them, they will get disappointed moments later and will hit the back button.

Dry… I Mean, Boring!

Ok. So, the blog title shouldn’t be clickbaitish. But it doesn’t mean it should be dry and absolutely generic. Like I said before, for your readers to click on it, it should be interesting. Why would they want to read an article that doesn’t have anything important, interesting, and unique to say?


You know what your blog post is about. So, you can’t be vague about it. Blog titles are not supposed to be poetry. Clearly say what the post is about.

Tooooooooooo Long!

This is one of the most annoying features of a horrible blog title. The idea of a blog title is to convey a simple message to the readers – what the blog post is about. Not to acquire space. You don’t need to write long sentences to tell your readers what the article is about. The longer it is, the more difficult it will be for your readers to understand what it is about just by having a glance at it.

Longer blog titles also do not show up completely in the SERP. So, the information will be hidden.

Too Many Keywords!

Yes, your blog title should be keyword rich. It should be SEO-friendly. It should contain the primary keyword right at the beginning, followed by a secondary keyword. But that’s it. Do not overdo it. Do not stuff the title with too many keywords. It won’t do any good at all. It looks spammy to both humans and bots.

Multiple Ideas

Having multiple ideas in the title will confuse the readers. In the body of your article, you can afford to talk about multiple ideas that are related to the main topic. But you can’t do that with the blog titles. The titles should be specific and convey a single idea.

What’s So Special?

It is always good to make the benefits clear in the title of your blog post. Make sure your readers get a clear idea about the value from the title. I mean why give them a chance to even ask this question (provided they notice your title)?

So, these are top seven features of a terrible, horrible blog title. Any one of them has the potential to make your blog title horrible and you shouldn’t write a bad blog title if you want to make your blog successful.

I hope you like this article on what makes a horrible blog title. If you have any query regarding this article or blog titles in general, drop a comment below. I will get back to you at the earliest.

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